26 June 2008

June To-Do List

Why is it that the small odds and ends of projects to wrap up can be more daunting than a monstrous project? As a recovering procrastinator, I think that my mom was right. If I would just sit down and get it done, the task would be completed in no time. I waste more time dreading finishing something than actually doing it!

I created an illustrated to-do list in order to delay the completion of said tasks further. (Perhaps I'm a ex-procrastinator in training...)

7. To Do List 6/26

The most daunting of my small tasks was sewing the bottom of the quilt Mike and I nearly completed in 2006. We've been using it for two years, mind you. I did not understand the concept of a quilt sandwich at the time (it's called the Internet, why didn't I use it?!). I thought it made the most sense to create a duvet and sew the batting inside. Yes, I now know that it was the worst idea in the history of the world. You all are quite smart, and I know that none of you will ever do that! Lesson learned, and the quilt is still great. I fixed it the best I could, and am okay with it not being perfect.


My long term goal is to become a LEED Accredited Professional. I spent this past Saturday taking an all day course to learn about
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). I have a lot of studying and memorizing to do this summer, but I'm looking forward to learning, and hopefully taking the exam in the fall.

I may have completed some other small projects that I hope to reveal after some drying and daylight.

Blocking my Lace Ribbon Scarf


Anonymous said...

biking to work?! YES!!!!

you should do the Bike Philly event in September with me!

How is it seriously almost july, by the way??

Anonymous said...

yeah, you really need to finish that quilt and will it to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm always struggling to finish things too - starting is so much more fun!

My quilt has been used for a year now - it's almost done except for about half of the actual quilting. I'm using invisible thread and machine quilting it, but my machine doesn't like the thread and keeps breaking it. Maybe one day I'll finish it...

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

man, my to-do lists are written on tiny scraps I cut off the edge of my cards- yours are works of art.

I can actually bike to work, but here is the thing...during the move we lost the keys to the Krytonite locks! Saturday's task is to grind it off!

Lisa said...

I am totally with you on two of them...the blocking block and finishing those damn quilts!

One day...One day.

sulu-design said...

Hee, hee. You wrote Booty mix. Only you would have the prettiest to-do list ever!